Blog Post: How Shop with Friends Increases Conversion & Growth

Blog Post: How Shop with Friends Increases Conversion & Growth

Growing your e-commerce store can be challenging. While your website may look ready for business, it won’t do a whole lot of good until you implement strategies that answer two major questions:

  1. How do you drive shoppers to your store?
  2. How do you get them to actually buy something?

When it comes to e-commerce, the answer to both lies in properly harnessing the power of web traffic. Increasing web traffic means more people visiting your store, and more visitors means more opportunities to convert people into customers.

But what’s the best way to gain that traffic? Is it pouring money into paid ads? Maybe partnering with an influencer? The answer lies in your marketing, and it may surprise you.

Marketing is getting harder

While there are many different ways to drive traffic, there’s often more value to be found in organic traffic rather than paid. In fact, organic traffic accounts for 79% of all website traffic, while paid traffic only accounts for 21%.

So what exactly is it? Organic traffic is the visits you get that don’t come from paid promotions like ads. It often generates more qualified leads and offers a more sustainable source of website visitors. All of this results in higher conversion rates than paid traffic and traffic that’s less likely to fall off when your ads are done running.

But organic traffic can be a struggle for modern brands. It’s time and resource-intensive to generate, and it seems like the fight to get new users to your website gets harder every day.

Just look at what you’re up against:

Constantly updating algorithms
Major changes to search algorithms happen multiple times a year, while ever-evolving social media algorithms prioritize user experience, leading to a decline in organic reach for previously reliable channels like Instagram and Facebook.

Slow materializing growth from SEO
With more ranking factors than ever, it can take months to see the results of your SEO work materialize. It makes sense that brands often find that their best-performing SEO content is years old–there’s just not a good shortcut for the impact of that kind of time.

So. Much. Content.
The competition for attention is fierce!  The internet is the biggest it’s ever been, and it’s not done growing—with the rise of tools like generative AI only compounding the problem.

And those challenges are only the tip of the iceberg. 

So what do you do when the return from ads is short-lived, influencers are expensive, and the challenges of SEO and content marketing are piling up…but you still need to grow?

Unlock viral growth and more sales with Shop with Friends 

Finding a way to convert customers AND grow your customer base can feel hard. Shop with Friends is an e-commerce solution that does both, and it’s already been validated by 6 millions users.

Shop with Friends customers…

See a 27% increase in traffic via word-of-mouth growth

Convert from cart to checkout with a 45% boost over standard cart conversions

See an average 22% reduction in acquisition costs

And it’s all achieved by encouraging your website visitors to share your products with their friends in the group chat.

Shop with Friends allows you to add shareable product polls to your store and engage new customers, convert buyers, and sell more. It combines the power of wishlists, saved carts, and word-of-mouth marketing to grow your business.

By seamlessly integrating shareable polls into your site’s shopping experience your customers can gather opinions, and you can make sales within their network.

Here’s how it works…

1. Customers create polls

Customers already build carts and send them to their group chat. Shop with Friends offers a way to curate, streamline, and brand the experience so that you can optimize its effect.

Polls allow indecisive shoppers to create a poll and send it to their friends in one click, making it easy for them to get the opinions they need.

And that’s huge because getting input from friends makes shoppers more confident and  4x more likely to buy!

But it’s not just the person sending the poll who’s being convinced. Their friends and family are seeing your products, too.

2. You gain organic exposure

Polls encourage your website visitors to share your products with their friends in the group chat, which means your products are being shared with new audiences of like-minded people—and it’s happening organically.

With Polls, user’s friends view, vote on, and engage with your products. So every Poll sent means exposure to your target audience.

In fact, each poll sent acquires two new customers.

And it’s a process that doesn’t feel like marketing–it just feels like a little helpful tool that’s great for your customers, and you. That’s because you’re helping customers do something they want to do anyway-get opinions on their choices.

Implement polls once and watch your products spread throughout your customer base without requiring more work on your end. 

3. Polls give your conversion a boost

Polls increase conversion by making it easy for customers to get their friends’ approval when they’re at natural moments of indecision. And the results speak for themselves:

Shop with Friends clients see a 22% conversion rate for shoppers who send a poll.

Shop with Friends also offers additional customizable options to empower your customer conversion and acquisition efforts. You can use a redirect screen to offer discounts to voters and bring them into your ecosystem to create new customers or use it to surface new products, promotions, and sales to qualify cold leads or collect emails.

4. An engaging solution that grows your business

There are over 26 million online retailers globally, with more being created every day. Almost every single one is fighting for growth, with challenges like heightened competition, noisy marketing channels, and ever-increasing acquisition costs blocking the way.

By focusing on solutions that build organic traffic and boost conversions like Shop with Friends, you can side-step these obstacles, drive more sales, and generate new leads.